Thursday, June 23, 2011

New life ; My life.

It has been awhile since I last penned down my thoughts. Anyway, today would be my 2nd last day of my training!! Oh yea, the day has finally arrived but ironically, I don't exactly feel the excitement and the joy of getting out of here. If it was not for the people I'm required to report to, I would have definitely extended this training with a customized contract of course. Heck no, I'm not gonna work here for rm10 a day. I wouldn't say the experience hasn't been good but the environment here is a little...weird? Or maybe, its because I'm just sprouting out in this work world. Compared to last week, workload has been less hectic for me and crazily, I wish I have more proposals, corporate rates and BEOs to do.

Me being a cold heartless bitch like I've been labeled, I would say its funny how I think I'm gonna miss a certain people here. Him, that's for sure. LOL. I somehow seem to attract guys/relationships like this like fire to a moth. Sad thing is, it either gets too serious and I end up feeling more than I should or I run away when the other side gets too clingy. Why can't we just maintain the same after awhile? If it really has to change, why can't it be on the same page so that we can both move on together or separate peacefully? Feelings, such an unpredictable and uncontrollable emotion that sometimes put people in difficult and complicated situations. FUCK feelings, FUCK love.

Feelings aside, my current excitement is moving into the new place! New house, new life, new memories perhaps? Gone with the old and in with the new! The past few years has been such a bumpy road, literally went to hell and back. Now, its MY time to run my show and shine. Lovers, please stay and ride along with me; haters, you can stay and watch or you can also fuck off, either way, i don't really care.

We're in the midst of shifting so the house is really in a mess, boxes everywhere. We literally have to climb over just to get over to the other side (as though I lived in a mansion)! haha..Going thru my cupboards and drawers last nite, HOMAIGOD!! Things inside there, it there was an expiry date, it would have been moldy and at least 5yrs old!! *hides face*

Ok, time to go for lunch now! Yay...*dance dance*

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